Generating a golf swing professional is far from being perfect which means that anyone can do it. This article will discuss how to create a professional golf swing, common mistakes, tips, and tools that you can use during your play.

Playing Like a Golf Swing Professional
Similar to the other things we do, practice makes something great. In golf, swings are crucial and it takes time before you master it.
Experienced golfers who can generate a golf swing professional level had years of practice before they joined the greatest players in the industry.
In achieving a golf swing professional, it’s necessary to know the common mistakes so you can avoid it.
Professional vs Amateur Swing
A golf swing professional gives a different effect compared to a normal swing. It doesn’t just hit the ball, but it also creates long-distance pitches.
When it comes to swing sequences, there’s also a difference between a golf swing professional and an ordinary swing, especially with the timing.
At some point, amateur golfers tend to swing their clubs at a slower rate during the downswing.
This will make the clubhead unstable, thus affecting the impact on the golf ball. The timing of the swing is also faster than the professional swing which commonly leads to casting.
On the other hand, professional swings release the club at a slower rate. This allows the golfer to properly position the club towards the target.
Doing the proper stance enables them to generate smooth pitches that are stable and consistent.
To create a golf swing professional, you need to focus on the sequence:
- Hips
- Chest
- Arms
- Golf Club
- Hit the Ball
Characteristics of Pro Swing
Doing a golf swing professional is guided by specific characteristics. These characteristics are also seen in professional golfers like Rory McIlroy and Rickie Fowler.
Here are the 6 key characteristics that you can practice to create that best pitch:
Light grip pressure
Tight grips will not give you better control because it will make your forearm muscles tense. Try to keep your arms and hands relaxed as you grip the golf club.
Light to moderate grip pressure is best so you can have good control over your club.
One-piece takeaway
In doing a backswing, your arms, wrists, and hands direct the movements of the club. It should be a triangle-shaped form to allow you to swing freely while maintaining control.
90-degree shoulder turn
Golfers need power and energy to create a golf swing professional. Most professional golfers can rotate their shoulders up to at least 90 degrees to generate a good pitch.
Using the lower body for the downswing
In doing downswing, professional golfers use their lower body in starting their pitch. They press the left heel to the ground then turning or sliding their left hip facing the target.
The rest of the body will create a domino effect from bottom to top as well as the golf club.
Clubhead lag
Lag pertains to the closing of space between the left forearm and shaft while adding the wrist cock. The lag will keep the golfer’s body to properly target the ball using the clubhead.
Hand-guided impact
Hand-guided impact means that the golfer puts their hands forward before the clubhead so that the impact is greater.
This will enable the clubhead to hit the ball and reaching a longer distance.
Golf Swing Common Mistakes
Aside from knowing the characteristics of a golf swing professional, it’s also essential to know the common errors and be able to improve your game.
Here are the common mistakes that golfers do when swinging as well as the possible solutions for correcting them:
Errors in downswing
Errors in downswing are normally due to timing. If you begin your swing at a fast rate, your downswing can weaken and may cause your shot to be inconsistent.
This will also shorten the distance reached by the golf ball. To fix this, you need to do a proper stance, start your swing at a moderate but firm rate.
Casting has been mentioned earlier as one of the common mistakes of amateur golfers. It pertains to the loss of control and power over the club which causes a weak impact on the golf ball.
To create a golf swing professional, you need to properly shift or swing the shaft towards your target.
Inefficient use of the stretch-shorten cycle
The stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) explains the movement of the muscle succeeded by the shortening of itself.
However, if this is not executed and timed correctly, this cycle will not have a full effect on the swing.
That’s why if you want to generate a golf swing professional, you need to practice how to properly move your muscles.
Tips and Tools to Make Professional Golf Swing
In playing the sport, proper execution of the golf swing help in making good shots.
However, following some tips and using training aids will provide you more benefits in the long-run.
You will also get to learn from famous golfers like Rory McIlory as he describes how a proper golf swing help in his game.
5 Keys to Creating a Professional Golf Swing
Russell Heritage explained the 5 secrets to a professional golf swing.
Here are the 5 keys to creating a professional golf swing which might be helpful for you during your practice:
Shift pressure and not sway
Professional golfers perform swings using pressure and not sways because it can weaken the impact on the golf ball.
Tilt your shoulder forward when doing backswings
This will allow you to turn on an upward position and guiding your clubhead towards the golf ball.
Here, you can see how your position and golf swing help in delivering a good pitch.
Position your pelvis downward-facing
Positioning your pelvis downward-facing will make it easier for your body to rotate. You can practice proper turning by placing your hand over your belly button.
Also, the golf swing help in keeping your body firm while rotating.
Use extension to keep pelvis parallel to shoulders
If you want to keep your pelvis parallel to your shoulder, doing swings will make it (pelvis) face outwards. You can see your feet tiptoeing on the other side which causes your leg to extend.
You have to keep track of the extensions because it can disrupt your balance which will make you stumble on the ground.
Keep your feet apart.
It is also essential to keep your feet apart so you can easily turn and avoid injuries.
Training Aids You Can Use
Training aids are used to help you deliver better pitches and provide solutions on the golf swing help that you need.
These training materials can help you do proper stances and steady swings to prevent having injuries like back pain.
There are different kinds of training aids nowadays thanks to different technological advancements in the sport.
Here are the following training aids with different functions that you can use:
The SKLZ Gold Flex Golf Training Aid is perfect for those who want to improve their strength and timing.
It looks like a rod that is available in 40 and 48 inches in lengths. This will enhance the golf swing help that you make use of during your play.
The Golf Impact Ball Swing Plane Trainer Aid is designed to improve the consistency of your shots.
This will help you practice the intensity of impact that your golf swing help you with. You can also check other training materials here if you’re looking for more.
Set Your Goal!
Golf swing professional isn’t something that you can achieve after a one-time practice. You need continuous training for you to create better pitches and reach longer distances.
You can learn by observing how professional golfers play or watch videos that provide tips. Seek help from golf coaches in the course and ask for useful advice regarding your difficulties.
We all know that golf is confusing. With the different clubs to the different methods of a golf swing, players need to understand various concepts to create a good game.
However, I learned that having a good tempo or timing can greatly influence the result of your swing.
Just like what the pro golfers do, take your swings slowly and learn to release the tension on your muscles.
I believe that the pro golfers were once an amateur and you can learn from their experiences to improve yours as well.
Also, the trainer aids are not required for you to buy because it just provides additional support for your swings.
Purchasing them will be up to you especially that it will incur expenses.
Given the tips and tools that you can use, remember that your swings have a say on the impact you put on the ball.
Try to practice different stances and methods of swinging and you’ll be a pro golfer in no time.
More Information
Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Paul Roger Steinberg