Learn how to hit golf irons properly is crucial in your game performance. You would not be able to bag the scores if you do not know how to handle your golf equipment correctly.

Great power and speed are good; however, it is not always enough.
In this article, we will talk about the things you should do to give justice to your golf irons. Now, let us first go over the basics.
How to Hit a Draw in Golf with Your Irons
Hand Placement
It takes any golfer, even amateurs, to know that getting your hands on your club in a stronger position is essential to learn how to hit a draw in golf with your irons properly.
However, what most players miss is the fact that a good hand placement is not enough to do the task successfully. Setting your grip correctly is as important.
Place your grip on the base of your fingers to do so properly. Make sure it is not angled across your palm.
The right grip would allow a free swing and the clubface closing relative to your swing path. That is precisely what you should take note of to learn how to hit a draw in golf with your irons.
Path Clearing
The right backswing is the key to hit a draw automatically. To perform so, your clubface should be in a very closed position as it faces skyward.
Pivot deep into your right hip.
You should also put your arms far behind your body. Getting your swing in a draw path is possible when you take your club back while pivoting on your trail hip.
Do this, and you would learn how to hit a draw in golf with your irons in no time.
Strong Finish
Your last position and movement are also critical to successfully hit a draw. Make sure to end up on your trail foot. Your chest should face toward your target.
You would know you did the right thing if your arms feel like they swung around your body after the strike. Additionally, your club should not stop moving unless it already loses its momentum.
Hitting a draw requires a full commitment, so remember to grip your equipment more in the fingers.
Where to Place Golf Ball When Hitting Irons
Where to place golf ball when hitting irons is also an essential step, apart from the body position and movement, to successfully master ways on how to hit golf irons properly.
Perhaps, you have been told to adjust the golf ball position depending on the clubs you are using.
You should place it in the middle of your stance if you have shorter irons. Otherwise, position it a little more forward. The logic is correct because of the various shaft lengths.
However, the method only becomes guesswork.
You always need to adjust to hit your golf irons properly. Try to consider playing your ball in the same position regardless of the club you are using since it is far more reliable.
What you need to do is manipulate the width of your stance instead. It will address the problem with the varying club length. You should increase the width if you have longer irons.
You would notice that there is an imbalance tilt between your shoulders as you widen your stance. Your right shoulder would be lower.
So where to place golf ball when hitting irons exactly? Drawing an imaginary line from your left shoulder joint at the address to the ground would represent your swing’s low point.
Playing just under your left pectoral muscle is highly recommended since you should make ball-first contact before your irons bottom out just in front of it.
The second nature would be your width of stance if you consistently put the ball in the same spot. And that is where to place golf ball when hitting irons!
Where to Hit a Golf Ball with an Iron
If you are wondering where to hit a golf ball with an iron, we are here to fill that curiosity. Ball contact is as significant as other skills in golf to hit your irons properly.
Absorbing the information written below would bring you closer to hitting the sweet spot in a golf ball.
Hitting down on the ball is the answer to the question. The shape and loft of a golf ball explain why it should be done instead of trying to swing the ball upwards.
The surface of the ball should be in contact with the face of the iron before the swing arc’s bottom. And that is exactly where to hit a golf ball with an iron!
How to Hit Good Iron Shots in Golf
Hitting down on the ball and taking a divot is good game advice. However, it only works when you are in the right position. Otherwise, your strike would be a disaster.
How to hit good iron shots in golf depends on a few positions. Luckily, we are here to discuss with you some tips on how to hit golf irons properly.
Just follow the following steps, and you would be making quite progress. Moving your strike back is not good, but let’s be honest, hitting down on the ball is difficult when it is way up to your stance.
A forward shift is needed since the backward shift will only hamper you from making a good shift. So if you are having a hard time, play the ball in line with the shirt logo on your left chest.
Staying in your posture while you swing down and through is the next position you have to learn to master steps on how to hit good irons shots in golf properly.
Straightening up is a common reflex. However, you should stay down to do the task successfully. Try to think your chest is looking at the ball, and it will help you keep your body down.
Driving your right side, including your arms, knees, and shoulder at target, makes sure you do not slow down while waiting for impact.
It also prevents you from scooping the ball off the ground because doing so would not result in a good shot. Invest and fire that right side, and you would be achieving your set goals seamlessly.
How to Hit a 7 Iron Golf Club
A 7 iron is a club often used to take shots in the 140 to 170-yard range.
The equipment has more clubhead loft (ranging from 34 to 36 degrees) compared to longer irons and a shorter shaft. Now, how to hit a 7 iron golf club with such features?
Know how to address the ball properly
As your shaft leans forward upon address, your hands should be ahead of the ball. You hit the ball just beyond its lowest point when you use a driver.
However, the case is different when you are holding an iron. Striking the ball before your swing reaches its low point is the way to go, so playing the ball further back your stance is what you should do.
That is only the first step in learning how to hit a 7 iron golf club solidly.
Do a swing that fits the 7 iron character
Shorter backswing, three-quarters swing velocity, and an abbreviated follow-through is fitting for a 7 iron golf club since it is designed and often used for placement rather than great distance.
In terms of the shot, never scoop the ball from under. Striking it with a slow descending blow near the bottom of your swing should be done instead.
Invest in rhythm and not in power
Many golf performances showed that you could direct the ball in a long-distance and straight path if you use good rhythm instead of sheer power.
Going too hard will only affect the contact the club makes with the ball. It often results in a thin shot. Just practice, and you would learn how to hit golf irons properly like a piece of cake!
Mastering The Methods
The steps on how to hit golf irons properly might require your full energy, but it would undoubtedly pay off when you master the methods.
Once you have successfully performed the strategies mentioned above, make sure to repeat it multiple times.
Your body should be able to familiarize all the postures and movements to be able to consistently hit a golf ball using irons.
Observe not just your body movement but how your golf club moves as it aims to strike the ball. Moreover, the placement of the target is also crucial in giving justice to your irons.
Choose what works for you best among the positions above.
What works for other golfers might not work for you. Trying out different techniques is essential to determine what can help you strengthen your game records.
More Information
Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Paul Roger Steinberg